Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stitches: Kid 4, Round 1

A little over a week ago, a homeschool mother turned author/lecturer shared photos of her "active" boys in various stages of hospitalization.  Full body casts, head wounds, all that fun stuff...  I was thankful as I considered the relatively few trips we have made to the ER over the years.  We've had one broken collar bone (from falling out of bed), a couple of staples in the head (falling on concrete), and a couple high fevers/ear infections, but for the most part, we haven't had to visit the ER all that often.  We've been so blessed...

I should have known better than to compare.  Comparing never ends well, especially when you start to feel good about yourself or your circumstances.

Long story short, here's my sweet baby boy, showing off his bandaged "fingertip laceration."  I didn't get a chance to snap a photo of it pre-stitches, what with applying pressure and trying to get him and his three siblings to the ER and all.    

He's managing well, and I hope with all that is in me that it is a long, long time before our next trip to the ER...  because something tells me sooner or later, no matter how much we kid-proof or how closely we watch this one, he's going to injure himself again.  I hope this incident is not first of many, but I'm having a hard time believing he isn't just getting started...  

God have mercy on my sanity and strengthen me for wounds to come.

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