Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Because I Have a Life... (and don't just spend my days contemplating random subjects)

The blessed end of a long, arduous school year has ushered us into Summer Break.  And what exactly does "Summer Break" mean for this home school family?  Eventually, it will look like everyone else's summer break, with lots of rushing to and from soccer practices, Cub Scout Day Camp, Art Camp, and Vacation Bible School after Vacation Bible School after Vacation Bible School - because in our town, kids go to VBS at their church, at their friends' church, and at the church of any kin who may have strayed from the true faith to the church down the street.  This is one time I am thankful that we don't have any relatives in town, as I have a little more power over our summer schedule and can limit Vacation Bible Schools to two or three.  Don't get me wrong.  I like VBS and think it's important to go.  But I also like a certain level of calm and consistency, and so there's a part of me that cringes at the thought of our daily schedule turned upside down by anything, even good things.  But I'm getting off topic.

The chaos of summer is coming, but in the mean time, we're just here.  We've gone from hanging out at home doing school to hanging out at home doing...  whatever strikes our fancy.  So far, it's been nice, despite frequent requests to play on the computer, occasional sibling wars, and a scary, but seemingly not-too-bad incident in which Luke fell with a spoon in his mouth.  The big boys have been filling their days with water gun fights and Lego building marathons, as well as with the aforementioned computer games and sibling wars.  Andrew is taking a break from piano lessons, while John has begun piano lessons.  Elisabeth and Luke, my poor boy, have been playing Mommy and, wait for it... Big Sister.  But they are all enjoying these carefree days.

As am I.  I have a list of books in the back of my mind that I will need to order one of these days, but I am in no rush to begin schooling.  At least not today.  I know there will come a day when I am itching to resume our school routine, but for now, I'm enjoying laziness immensely.  My only grief is that Geoff does not have the same leisure.  I almost feel guilty thinking about him at work while I sip my midmorning coffee to the distant sounds of playing children.  But alas, I cannot help the man!

As for the children and myself, we have worked hard this past year, and accomplished much, both scholastically and personally.  Without undue pride, but rather in sober acknowledgement of all that we have worked through this year, I feel that we have earned this respite, and I intend to use it to its fullest that we might start fresh and renewed in...  whatever month I decide to start school.  June, July, August...  I really don't know yet.  And I'm not overly concerned about it.  For now, my primary concern is giving my children and myself the freedom to rest, be it at Legos, computer games, water fights, imaginary play, piano playing, or - to prove that some things remain the same - disappearing for days after a trip to the library.


  1. So, who gets to be Mommy and who is Big Sister?

  2. Mini-me is Mommy. Did you really have to ask? :)
