The new year comes too quickly for me to send out a New Year's Newsletter.
And then, before I know, the Ides of March is a distant memory, and I have failed to send out the Happy Ides of March Update I thought I'd be able to manage.
But now I'm seeing all these End of the Year Celebrations and Reading Banquets and "Look at my Middle Schooler!" pictures on Facebook, and you know what...
I'm going to rejoice.
I'm going to set aside all our current and past struggles and just rejoice in the past year's successes. Regarding those struggles, they have existed and do exist, and if you want to know more, pour a cup of coffee for us both and get comfortable.... but not today.
Today, I rejoice in the following triumphs:
1. The hubby has taken up running and is logging ridiculous miles. As much as I may tease him for wearing tights or short shorts, depending on the weather, I am immensely proud of him and a little jealous of his tenacity, to say nothing of the pounds he has shed.
2. The eldest is a whopping eleven years of age now. He continues to devour books at a rate too rapid to document, is gaining independence, and is in general, a super-cool preteen.
3. The nine-year-old has acquired a taste for Percy Jackson and Warriors, and likes most to hear these stories in the comfort of a snuggle, which suits his mother marvelously. His creativity continues to amaze me, as does the progress he has made in communicating and controlling his feelings over the past year.
4. The girl, soon to be six, is beginning to navigate the strange intricacies of socializing with elementary-aged girls. While sometimes appalled at her overly expressive face, I find her ways generally delightful and her tenderness toward the young heart-wrenchingly beautiful. And since I've shared her older brothers' reading feats, she has joined the world of readers and is fitting in just fine.
5. Our little Doodlebug... loves Star Wars, stuffed animals, AWANA, and Mo Willems (whom you all should go read right now, by the way). He has just graduated to the booster seat WITHOUT the back, at least in Daddy's car, a fact that somewhat appalls me. My baby is... not so much a baby anymore. He is, however, a darling, funny, adorable big boy.
6. And then there is yours truly, who finished a novel and is pecking away at revisions in the hope of catching a literary agent and hopefully a book deal in the coming year. At times, I struggle to balance the wonderfully demanding roles of wife, mother, teacher, and author, but each role is satisfying in its own way, and I am immensely thankful for the liberty to hold and cherish each role with which God has blessed me.
The year ahead holds many changes for our family, some predictable, but others, if the past is any indication of the future, will take us entirely by surprise.
But always, always, always, whatever may come,
I rejoice.
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